





介紹i3 4160處理器

i3 4160是英特爾推出的一款雙核心四線程的處理器。它采用了22納米工藝打造,主頻為3.6GHz,擁有3MB的L3緩存和內(nèi)置Intel HD Graphics 4400集成顯卡。在普通辦公、娛樂(lè)、輕度游戲等場(chǎng)景下,i3 4160擁有很好的表現(xiàn)。


為了更加準(zhǔn)確地測(cè)試i3 4160的內(nèi)存性能,我們選擇了一臺(tái)配備8GB DDR3 1600MHz內(nèi)存的主板。具體配置如下:

  • 處理器:i3 4160
  • 主板:華碩H81M-A
  • 內(nèi)存:Kingston 8GB DDR3 1600MHz
  • 顯卡:Intel HD Graphics 4400


我們使用了兩個(gè)工具來(lái)測(cè)試i3 4160的內(nèi)存性能:AIDA64和Pas**ark。在AIDA64中,我們分別測(cè)試了內(nèi)存讀取速度、寫(xiě)入速度、拷貝速度和延遲。測(cè)試結(jié)果顯示,i3 4160的內(nèi)存表現(xiàn)非常不錯(cuò)。其中,內(nèi)存讀取速度可達(dá)到14.3GB/s,寫(xiě)入速度為8.8GB/s,拷貝速度為11GB/s,延遲為50.9ns。在Pas**ark的內(nèi)存性能測(cè)試中,i3 4160獲得了一個(gè)較高的分?jǐn)?shù),達(dá)到了2739分(分?jǐn)?shù)越高意味著性能越好)。

小編綜合來(lái)說(shuō),i3 4160的內(nèi)存性能表現(xiàn)非常不錯(cuò),足以應(yīng)對(duì)大多數(shù)輕度辦公、娛樂(lè)和游戲需求。當(dāng)然,在高性能要求的場(chǎng)景下,還需要配備更為高端的處理器和內(nèi)存。


內(nèi)存是電腦中的一個(gè)硬件設(shè)備,通常是RAM(Random Access Memory)的縮寫(xiě)。內(nèi)存可以被看作是電腦的工作空間,也是CPU用來(lái)存儲(chǔ)和快速訪問(wèn)數(shù)據(jù)的地方。當(dāng)電腦運(yùn)行程序時(shí),應(yīng)用程序和**作系統(tǒng)信息都存儲(chǔ)在內(nèi)存中。



  • 任務(wù)管理器(Windows) – 打開(kāi)任務(wù)管理器后,單擊 “性能” 選項(xiàng)卡即可查看您的電腦使用的內(nèi)存類型和大小。這里還可以看到其他有用的信息,如CPU和磁盤(pán)使用情況。
  • 活動(dòng)監(jiān)視器(Mac) – 選擇“應(yīng)用程序”> “實(shí)用工具”> “活動(dòng)監(jiān)視器”。在該程序中,可以看到有關(guān)系統(tǒng)資源使用情況的詳細(xì)信息,如內(nèi)存使用情況、CPU利用率等。
  • 第三方應(yīng)用(Windows和Mac) – 有許多第三方系統(tǒng)監(jiān)視應(yīng)用程序可以下載和使用,以進(jìn)一步查看系統(tǒng)內(nèi)存使用情況。一些知名的應(yīng)用程序包括HWMonitor和CPU-Z。



另一方面,內(nèi)存容量過(guò)大也可能造成浪費(fèi)。普通電腦用戶通常不需要擁有太多的內(nèi)存,正常使用時(shí)8GB RAM就足夠了。如果您使用運(yùn)行大型應(yīng)用程序(如視頻制作和游戲),那么可以考慮擁有16 GB RAM 或更多的RAM。



APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) 2133 is a type of memory specifically designed for AMD APUs. It is a DDR3 SDRAM, which stands for Double Data Rate Type Three Synchronous Dynamic RAM. APU 2133 memory is named after its clock speed, which operates at a frequency of 2133 MHz. APU 2133 memory is widely used in high-performance gaming laptops and desktops because of its fast speed and efficient performance. In this article, we will explore some of the important features and benefits of APU 2133 memory.

Features of APU 2133 Memory

APU 2133 memory is designed to offer high-speed performance and fast rendering of graphics and video. The memory is optimized for AMD APUs and supports AMD’s Fusion technology, which combines the central processing unit (CPU) and the graphics processing unit (GPU) in a single chip. The APU 2133 memory has a latency of 9-11-10-28, and it operates at a voltage of 1.5V. The memory is compatible with dual-channel memory controllers, which provide a higher bandwidth for data transfer. Moreover, APU 2133 memory is available in different capacities ranging from 4GB to 32GB, making it suitable for different requirements.

Benefits of APU 2133 Memory

One of the main benefits of APU 2133 memory is its fast speed, which is essential for high-performance gaming and computing. The APU 2133 memory can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, making it suitable for heavy multitasking requirements. The memory is also highly efficient, allowing for faster boot times and quicker loading of applications. The low voltage rating of APU 2133 memory makes it energy-efficient and reduces power consumption, leading to longer battery life for laptops. The APU 2133 memory also supports XMP profiles, which allow for automatic overclocking of the memory for even greater performance.


In conclusion, APU 2133 memory is an important component in high-performance computing and gaming. It offers fast speed, efficient performance, and low power consumption, making it ideal for laptops and desktops. Its compatibility with AMD Fusion technology and dual-channel memory controllers provides a higher bandwidth for data transfer, resulting in faster rendering of graphics and video. Choosing the right memory module for your computer is essential for optimal performance, and APU 2133 memory is a popular choice among gamers and professionals who require high-speed computing.


