





Project name:DELL Shanghai Office


Project location: Shanghai


Project time: 2021


Project area:1780 sq.m


Project construction: PLUSspace

戴爾(Dell),是一家總部位于美國德克薩斯州朗德羅克的世界五百強企業(yè),由邁克爾·戴爾于1984年創(chuàng)立。戴爾以生產(chǎn)、設(shè)計、銷售家用以及辦公室電腦而聞名,不過它同時也涉足高端電腦市場,生產(chǎn)與銷售服務(wù)器、數(shù)據(jù)儲存設(shè)備、網(wǎng)絡(luò)設(shè)備等。如今,Dell Technologies 在改變?nèi)驍?shù)字化格局方面發(fā)揮著重要作用。 戴爾是全球卓越的科技公司之一,致力于通過提供非凡的功能來幫助改善人們的生活。從混合云解決方案到高性能計算,再到雄心勃勃的社會影響和可持續(xù)發(fā)展倡議,我們所做的事情影響著每個地方的每一個人。

Dell,a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Rondrock, Texas, USA, was founded by Michael Dell in 1984. Dell has been known for the production, design, and selling of home and office computers, but it has also entered the high-end computer market, producing and selling servers, data storage equipment, network equipment and so on. Currently, Dell Technologies plays an important role in changing the global digital marketing. As one of the world’s excellent technology companies, Dell has been committed to helping improve people’s life quality by providing extraordinary functions.Dell has been facilitating lives of people in every corner of the world through hybrid cloud solutions,high-performance computing, ambitious social impact and sustainability initiatives.

前臺 Reception area


PLUSspace shall build the kind of space where PLUSspacers want to live. Dell Shanghai Office has been an epitome of PLUSspace’s design. The concise background wall of the front desk provides a perfect foil for the simple company logo, which is not only extremely attractive, but reflects Dell’s entrepreneurial spirit. Ushered into the front space, visitors will instantly enter Dell’s cultural world.

展廳 Showroom


Along the **ooth and clean corridor, the white overcoating separates the public reception area from the internal working area. As the corridor extends to the exhibition hall, PLUSspace has made some breakthrough in the free style of material technology. PLUSspace has achieved excellence in construction for the control of line of sight, streamline organization, light environment, acoustic environment, and height of the space.

茶水區(qū) Pantry


As the vitality center of the entire office, the pantry has been designed to support daily and ever-changing work behaviors in its dynamic, vigorous and diverse forms. The flexible furniture configuration not only meets the needs of catering and work, but also makes a good place for colleagues to socialize.

會議室 Meeting Room


As Dell is a dynamic and passionate team to which brainstorming is indispensable at work, PLUSspace has designed a variety of meeting spaces for various forms of communication.


臺海網(wǎng)4月30日訊 據(jù)新華網(wǎng)報道 29日,廈門市舉行招商大會。會上,廈門優(yōu)良的營商環(huán)境獲得企業(yè)家們的紛紛點贊。



2011年, 天馬微電子股份有限公司在廈門投資70億元建設(shè)了**大陸第一條低溫多晶硅生產(chǎn)線。去年,廈門天馬成功實現(xiàn)了低溫多晶硅產(chǎn)品市場占有率全球第一。公司董事長陳宏良說,“廈門投資環(huán)境非常好,廈門干部懂業(yè)務(wù),有擔(dān)當(dāng);講誠信,重承諾;真服務(wù),善服務(wù);講規(guī)矩,重情義;有魄力,敢創(chuàng)新。廈門有這么好的區(qū)位優(yōu)勢、戰(zhàn)略機會和人文環(huán)境,企業(yè)在廈門發(fā)展大有可為。”



