




一句話瑜伽,第213期Rebekah:幾年前,嘗試和這個(gè)一樣的雙人瑜伽姿勢(shì)時(shí),我摔成腦震蕩。A few years ago, I suffered a concussion trying this same acro-yogapose.

我們?cè)谒嗟厣献隽诉@件事,當(dāng)我上去的時(shí)候,下面的脫手了,然后掉了出去,讓我的頭從那個(gè)高度先著地。We did this on concrete,and while I got into the top position, my base completely let go, and moved out of the way sending me crashing head first from that height onto the concrete ground.

我仍然記得所受到的劇烈的疼痛,以及我的頭骨撞擊地面的聲音。I can still remember the intense pain I felt and the sound of my skull hitting the ground.

不幸的是,我在國外,不得不頂著劇痛飛回美國去了醫(yī)院,并被告知我有腦震蕩。Unfortunately, I wasoverseas,and had to fly back with the intense pain to the US where I went to a hospital and was told I had a concussion.

在那次事故之后,我很難信任一個(gè)女性底座,因?yàn)槟谴问軅珖?yán)重了。It was so difficult for me to trust a female base after that incident because that injury was so bad.

當(dāng)好友讓我和她一起擺這個(gè)姿勢(shì)時(shí),我很不情愿,但她向我保證,即使我摔出去,她能接住我。When koy awebb asked me to try that very pose with her, I was so reluctant, but she assured me that even if I fell out, she would be there to catch me.

我信她了,我做到了,我沒有摔出去,因?yàn)樗盟牧α恐沃摇 trusted her, and I did it and I did not fall out because she held me up with her strength.

我很高興我嘗試了,因?yàn)槲也辉俸ε码p人瑜伽,尤其是這個(gè)姿勢(shì)對(duì)我來說意味著太多的痛苦。I’m so glad I tried it, because I don’t fear acro yoga anymore, and especially not this very pose that meant so much pain to me.

?我征服了它!我很感激我的女孩說服我,給了所有我需要的信心!I conquered it!! And I m so thankful that my girl Koyawas there talking me through and giving me all the confidence I needed!

