





How the young spend their moneyThey are woke, broke and complicated. Businesses should take note

Young people have always 。他們購買的東西也在變化。老一代人認(rèn)為可自由支配的東西,如健康和奢侈品,已經(jīng)成為必需品。自我保健是所有的流行趨勢(shì)。為了尋找能讓他們與眾不同的服裝,年輕人在越來越小的年齡就轉(zhuǎn)向了**品牌。根據(jù)咨詢公司貝恩(Bain)的數(shù)據(jù),Z 世代的購物者平均在 15 歲時(shí)購買第一件奢侈品;他們 30 多歲的同行在 19 歲時(shí)進(jìn)入奢侈品市場(chǎng)。一些人購買**物品作為保值,認(rèn)為這些物品即使在困難時(shí)期也能保持價(jià)值。令人欣慰的是,這些東西現(xiàn)在可以在 Vinted 和 Vestiaire Collective 等二手銷售平臺(tái)上輕松交易。

More broadly, young consumers profess to be more values-driven than previous generations. Research by Forrester shows that this attitude is even more common among **agers and 20-somethings than among slightly older counterparts. Some of these values are centred around identity (race, gender and so on). Others stem from things the young care about, such as climate change. kpmg, an accounting firm, found that the Gen-z crowd across 16 countries worry more about climate change and natural disasters than any other generation. According to a survey by Credit Suisse, a bank, the young in emerging markets are more fretful still.

更廣泛地說,年輕消費(fèi)者自稱比前幾代人更注重價(jià)值觀。Forrester 的研究表明,這種態(tài)度在青少年和 20 多歲的年輕人中甚至比年齡稍大的人更普遍。這些價(jià)值觀有些是圍繞著身份(種族、性別等)。會(huì)計(jì)公司 Kpmg 發(fā)現(xiàn),16 個(gè)國家的 Z 世代人群比其他任何一代人都更擔(dān)心氣候變化和自然災(zāi)害。根據(jù)瑞士信貸銀行的一項(xiàng)調(diào)查,新興市場(chǎng)的年輕人更加憂慮。

Revealed preferences paint a more nuanced picture. On the one hand, Forrester has identified Patagonia, a premium outdoor-clothing brand with a record of green do-goodery, as a Gen-z favourite in the rich world. The young are the most likely of all age groups to try—and stick with—alternative proteins such as oat milk and plant-based meat alternatives. But not at any price. Credit Suisse found that on average, consumers globally will pay an average premium of 9% for more environmentally friendly grub. Young consumers in the rich world are less willing to pay premiums for these alternatives than their counterparts in emerging markets.

揭示的偏好描繪了一個(gè)更細(xì)微的畫面。一方面,F(xiàn)orrester 認(rèn)為 Patagonia 是一個(gè)高端戶外服裝品牌,有綠色環(huán)保的記錄,是富人世界中 Z 世代的最愛。年輕人是所有年齡段中最有可能嘗試并堅(jiān)持使用替代性蛋白質(zhì)的群體,如燕麥牛奶和植物性肉類替代品。但不是以任何價(jià)格。瑞士信貸發(fā)現(xiàn),平均而言,全球消費(fèi)者將為更環(huán)保的食物支付平均 9%的溢價(jià)。與新興市場(chǎng)的消費(fèi)者相比,富裕國家的年輕消費(fèi)者不太愿意為這些替代品支付溢價(jià)。

Youngsters’ appetite for instant gratification is also fuelling some distinctly ungreen consumer habits. The young generation has virtually invented quick commerce, observes Isabelle Allen of kpmg. And that convenience is affordable because it fails to price in all its externalities. The environmental benefits of eating plants rather than meat can be quickly undone if meals are delivered in **all batches by a courier on a petrol-powered motorbike. Shein, a Chinese clothes retailer that is the fastest in fast fashion, tops surveys as a Gen-z favourite in the West, despite being criticised for waste; its fashionable garments are cheap enough to throw on once and then throw away. Like everyone else the young are, then, contradictory—because, like everyone else, they are only human.

年輕人對(duì)即時(shí)滿足的胃口也助長了一些明顯不綠色的消費(fèi)習(xí)慣。Kpmg 的 Isabelle Allen 指出,年輕一代實(shí)際上已經(jīng)發(fā)明了快速商務(wù)。這種便利是可以承受的,因?yàn)樗鼪]有對(duì)其所有的外部因素進(jìn)行定價(jià)。如果由騎著汽油摩托車的快遞員小批量送餐,那么吃植物而不是吃肉的環(huán)境效益就會(huì)迅速消失。**的服裝零售商 Shein 在快速時(shí)尚領(lǐng)域發(fā)展最快,盡管被批評(píng)為浪費(fèi),但在西方的調(diào)查中,Shein 是年輕人的最愛;其時(shí)尚的服裝足夠便宜,穿一次就扔掉。像其他所有人一樣,年輕人是矛盾的—因?yàn)?,像其他所有人一樣,他們只是人類?/span>

