



注:n 名詞 v 動(dòng)詞 a來(lái)自dj形容詞
a** 副詞 prep介詞 conj連詞
phr.短語(yǔ) num數(shù)詞
1 what pron 什么
2 is v是
安普商廠抗五3 what's what is的縮寫(xiě)形式
4 your pron 你的,你們的
5 name n 名字
6 my pron 我的
7 I pron 我
8 am v是
9 I'm





牛仔馬甲上衣 Zara RMB 229

紅色百褶連身裙 Dior

印花牛仔長(zhǎng)褲 Zara RMB 269

鉚釘裝飾單肩包 Zara RMB 199

豹紋圖案平底鞋 Zara RMB 229



領(lǐng)結(jié)造型胸針 Bibi Tie


蝙蝠袖格紋上衣 Chanel

水洗牛仔半身裙 C&A


Stella McCartney


Thierry Lasry




1 Yes, Graham Turner is speaking to John **ith.
2 Mary invited Mr. and Mrs. Turner to dinner.

3 Graham Turner said he would be there at six o'clock.
4 Because his boss wanted him to do some extra work.

5 No, he doesn't.
6 Mr. Turner's wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

1 I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.
I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.

2 I want to know if you are dirty. Tell my if you are dirty.
I want to know why you are dirty. Tell me why you are dirty.

3 I want to know if you are lazy. Tell me if you are lazy.
I want to know why you are lazy. Tell me why you are lazy.

4 I want to know if you are busy. Tell me if you are busy.
I want to know why you are busy. Tell me why you are busy.

1 I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.
I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.

2 I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.
I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.

3 I want to know if you are painting. Tell me if you are painting.
I want to know what you are painting. Tell me what you are painting.

4 I want to know if you are playing. Tell me if you are playing.
I want to know what you are playing. Tell me what you are playing.

1 I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.
I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.

2 I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.
I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.

3 I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.
I want to know when Tom did his homework yesterday. Tell me when Tom did his homework yesterday.


